The loss of Longitude and the “Disputed Territory”.

In 1836, the western boundary between colonies of NSW and South Australia, and what was later to become the border of Victoria, was decided as the 141 degree meridian of longitude east of Greenwich. Three years later in 1839, Charles Tyers transferred from the Royal Navy and was given the task to precisely mark theContinue reading “The loss of Longitude and the “Disputed Territory”.”

Christian’s Mill – Wombat Forests.

William Christian arrived in Melbourne in 1850 and worked as a pattern maker in a foundry. But like many others he was soon drawn by the lure of the goldfields. After a few unsuccessful years of trying his luck, William ended up in Woodend in 1868 and started a couple of successful sawmills in theContinue reading “Christian’s Mill – Wombat Forests.”

Enough was enough.

Victorian bushfires in summer of 1943-44 burned over one million hectares, killed 51 people, injured 700, and destroyed over 650 buildings. There had been deadly fires just days before Christmas in the northeast which had killed 10 firefighters from the Wangaratta fire brigade. More widespread fires across the State a month later killed 20 peopleContinue reading “Enough was enough.”

Hazelwood coalmine fire – 2014.

As they say… the days are long… and the years are short… but where did those 10 years go? On Saturday 8 February 2014, I was acting as a mentor in a Level 3 Planning Team at the Traralgon Incident Control Centre (ICC). We were working on a small but complex bushfire in the Hearn’sContinue reading “Hazelwood coalmine fire – 2014.”

Delburn bushfires – 2009.

It’s been 15 years since the catastrophic Black Saturday bushfires on 7 February 2009, with the loss of 173 lives, and which devastated townships such as Marysville, Kinglake, Narbethong, Flowerdale and Strathewen. But just over a week before, on Wednesday 28 and Thursday 29 January, there were six deliberately lit blazes south of Morwell nearContinue reading “Delburn bushfires – 2009.”